So, who am I?

Hi there, I'm thrilled you're here.

Welcome to my website! Let me introduce myself - I am Jade, and I'm excited to share a bit about who I am.

I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a sister. I am a friend. I am a teacher. I am a traveler. I am a hockey player. I am a gym goer. I am a student. I am caring. I am curious. I am loyal. I am resilient. I am passionate. I am persistent. I am strong-willed. I am unapologetically me.

I have two little boys, 18 months a part and was able to spend the last three years at home with them on maternity leave, lucky for me but also thanks to a global pandemic. In this time there have been some big changes in my life and the world and I have new understanding and appreciation for life's little things.

I finished high school, took a gap year to travel Europe, went to uni, got my teaching degree, worked in a few different industries following my passions and changing lifestyle. I did what society expected. I have dabbled in hospitality, tourism, events, teaching but none of them have filled that void. After returning to work at the start of 2023, I found a great fulfillment in returning to the classroom; however, I struggled to switch off, as the demands of the role took a toll on me mentally, physically, and emotionally. I found myself longing for a different path - one that would grant me the flexibility and freedom to be present as my family grows up. With a burning desire to spend more quality time with my boys while achieving financial and time freedom, I embarked on a bold and exciting adventure into the online world and came across digital and affiliate marketing. Whilst determined to seek a way to build a successful online business while reclaiming control over my time and financial independence, I couldn't help but take a leap of faith.

I found myself down rabbit holes, overwhelmed with all that is out there. I've tried my fair share of online ventures but none that have really stuck. Questions and doubts kept getting in the way of my dreams. I continuously asked myself: “What if it's just another crash and burn? I'm not confident in front of the camera... My life isn't that exciting... Will I be able to do this without much social media or online experience? What will my friends and family think of me?”. But it was one night after getting home from work that my mindset changed, my little boy asked me if I was happy, I burst into tears, I wasn't. My cup was empty, I was exhausted and burnt out and in need of something to set me free.

After watching this space for a couple of years, I finally took the leap. My goal now is not only to achieve financial independence but also to help other mummas feel less alone in their motherhood journey. I invite you to be part of this community, where I'll share my journey, both online and in real life (life with two boys is a whole other world), delve into the strategies, techniques, and insights I learn along the way, sharing valuable resources and tips to empower others who may be seeking their own path to freedom.